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An idea whose time has come

Started by Towntalk, February 12, 2008, 11:17:20 AM

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I think that instead of penalizing [sp?] those who drive big, gas-guzzling
cars and SUV's, the government should offer incentives (ie: rewards) to
those who choose to buy smaller and more fuel-efficient [and cleaner ]
vehicles by giving them a fuel discount, via a lowered sales tax on the
fuel that they buy for their vehicles...sort of a "membership rewards"

This would be viewed by the public as a reward, instead of a punishment.

After all, we are already being punished with the current gas prices, eh?


That, Rick, is exactly my point, but considering how government is looking for every way they can to rob us of every last penny in our pocket, I wouldn't put anything past them. They're all a pack of unethical, blooming liars to the very core of their being.

Rick Rowlands

Are you NUTS?  That ranks among the WORST ideas of ALL TIME!