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GAS AT $3.10

Started by Towntalk, November 16, 2007, 01:49:46 AM

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northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on November 17, 2007, 06:52:55 PM
As to the report being COPYRIGHT 2000, the basic facts do not change. A cat is a cat whether it was born in 2000 or 2007. The fact is that LNG and CNG are safe and good for the environment, efficient, and more economical that diesal fuel.

I didn't hear about WRTA selling it's LNG buses, but if it did, it was a very stupid move given the fact that it's base fleet is old, and should have been retired already being replaced with smaller LPG/CNG buses. It doesn't make a lick of common sense to run those large buses 3/4 empty. I doubt that even the buses running to the Mall run half empty even at peak rush hours.

Look at how much money is wasted, yet WRTA is quick to come whining for more money from the tax payers. That is why I vote NO on all WRTA levies.
I wasn't trying to imply that the information in the report is invalid, except that the WRTA no longer uses natural gas powered buses.  I can't say why they made the decision to eliminate them.

The oldest large buses in the WRTA fleet can't be more than 6-7 years old.  I think the newest buses are about 2-3 years old.  The government is quick to give money for capital improvements, like new buses.

I have to agree that they run their buses under capacity.  On a typical day, I take the Cornersburg in to work, and the Austintown home.  I'd say the Cornersburg is typically about 1/3-1/2 full when it arrives. at the station.  The Austintown is typically about 1/2 full when it leaves the station.  But I have heard stories (never witnessed this first-hand) where the driver had to pass people waiting for the bus because the bus was full.

I don't know why they choose the type of buses they do.  But, I think their choices are limited by the grants they receive from the government.  Let's assume the buses cost $100,000, but WRTA gets them for "free" because of grants from the government.  Would the money saved by using more efficient buses offset the cost to WRTA to buy them without (or with less) government aid?
Again, what about Ethanol? I know all the arguments against it, but it is still an alternative to FOREIGN OIL.
How much of the oil we use is foreign?
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Ohio has an abundance of Natural Gas, and there is no law that says that it has to be sold to any of the gas utilities, so what would it take to start up a company that produces LNG, CNG, or both?

How much would it cost to build such a plant here in Mahoning County?

As to the report being COPYRIGHT 2000, the basic facts do not change. A cat is a cat whether it was born in 2000 or 2007. The fact is that LNG and CNG are safe and good for the environment, efficient, and more economical that diesal fuel.

I didn't hear about WRTA selling it's LNG buses, but if it did, it was a very stupid move given the fact that it's base fleet is old, and should have been retired already being replaced with smaller LPG/CNG buses. It doesn't make a lick of common sense to run those large buses 3/4 empty. I doubt that even the buses running to the Mall run half empty even at peak rush hours.

Look at how much money is wasted, yet WRTA is quick to come whining for more money from the tax payers. That is why I vote NO on all WRTA levies.

Again, what about Ethanol? I know all the arguments against it, but it is still an alternative to FOREIGN OIL.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on November 17, 2007, 01:51:44 PM
WRTA Buses using LNG technology. SEE CHART ON PAGE 26 of this report.
The copywright date of that report is 2000.  I moved here in 2000, and was told that the WRTA recently sold their natural gas powered buses to Akron. (I think it was Akron...)
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


I agree with Irishbobcat.  Our city should start a program to advance energy efficiency and alternative energy sources.   Too much money is leaving our community to pay for the types of fuel we currently use every day.


I seriously believe that the only people who ever read these reports are those reporters who have to write an article on them, and then they are tosses onto a pile and promptly forgotten.

Thousands of reports are generated yearly ... only to be forgotten. A whole library could be created that would be as large as the Main Branch of the public library just for government commissioned reports, but ask a legislator about their contents he would babble on saying absolutely nothing because he never reads them.


Do any of our local, state, or federal elected officials ever read these reports?

Why can't the Mahoning Valley become a new manufacturing hub of alternative energy factories????


WRTA Buses using LNG technology. SEE CHART ON PAGE 26 of this report.


When did they take the buses they bought that run on natural gas out of service. When I was working down there they had several buses that ran on natural gas.

One of those buses ran the Elm trip and you couldn't tell it from any of their other buses.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on November 16, 2007, 08:18:10 PM
Does anyone know just how many WRTA buses use natural gas fuel? Milage wise what's the difference between diesel and natural gas?
None of them use natural gas.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Does anyone know just how many WRTA buses use natural gas fuel? Milage wise what's the difference between diesel and natural gas?



At what point will you park your car and take a bus?  $3.10 - $4.10 - $5.10 - No matter how high it goes I'll drive my car thank you ever so much?