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Special Meeting Tonight - West Side Garden District

Started by jay, June 27, 2007, 05:54:46 PM

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northside lurker

Here's a link to Janko's I Will Shout Youngstown blog article.  From there, you can find a link to the NPR story about this meeting, and the Youngstown's 2010 plan.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


"Initially these special 2010 meetings are being held in those neighborhoods with the greatest risk for major decline."

This is not true.

The initial neighborhoods that will undergo this process span various types of neigborhoods in various sides of town.

Kind of a mini-diverse collection of the city.

but then again, why does a neighborhood have to wait for the city planning department? Can't individual neighborhoods make their own plans, a bottom-up compared to a top-down approach?


I'm not sure where I heard this comment.  Initially these special 2010 meetings are being held in those neighborhoods with the greatest risk for major decline.  Does anyone remember hearing this idea expressed?

northside lurker

As a resident of the neighborhood in question, I didn't really have a problem with outsiders voting.  Weren't many of the "outsiders" at this meeting former residents of the area, or representatives from affected businesses/organizations?
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


I was at the Davis Center for the Dinner on the Terrace held each Wednesday. I was talking to a few people that were going to the meeting and the did indicate they were from the burbs. I totally agree with Jay that only residents should vote on things that will affect their neighborhoods.


About fifty people attended this meeting.  From time to time, the audience was asked to vote on development proposals by using one of those Turning Technologies key pads.  I feel the voting should have been restricted to the people who actually live in the Garden District.  Some people using the voting technology did not even live within the city of Youngstown.


Youngstown 2010 Special Meeting
featuring the
West Side Garden District
(area south of Mahoning Avenue between
Belle Vista and the Fellows Gardens)

Wednesday, June 27, 7:00 p.m.

Davis Education Center
Fellows Riverside Garden
S. McKinley
Youngstown, Ohio