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PLEASE VOTE: Yo Firefighter 1 of 4 Finalists in 2007 WFMJ Dream Wedding Contest.

Started by yfdgricker, March 16, 2007, 05:54:48 PM

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Sadly, Jamie and Carissa were not chosen as the winning couple in the WFMJ Today 2007 Wedding Contest. Thank you to everyone who voted though. Jamie and Carissa really appreciated and are thankful for the experience.



Thank you to everyone who voted for Jamie and Carissa. We will find out Monday morning between 5:30 and 7pm on the WFMJ TV21 Morning show.

I noticed also that you seemed to be able to vote multiple times. I can only assume that they have a way to filter out duplicate IP addresses and come up with a total of unique IPs. I do similar things in Microsoft Excel with figures and data so it isn't that hard.

Again thanks to everyone who voted!



The only problem with that poll, is that it appears it can be fluffed by people.   :o 

If you clear your internet cache, you can vote again!  There is no safeguard clearly visible to prevent it, unless the TV channel has set up an IP filter....whic doesn't seem to be there.  It took 2 votes from me.  I'm willing to bet, everyone on there has figured it out already, and it's going to be the one with the most fluff from friends that will win it.   :( 


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Youngstown Firefighter One of 4 Finalists in 2007 WFMJ Dream Wedding Contest.

Youngstown, OH - A Youngstown, OH Firefighter and his finance have been chosen as 1 of 4 finalists in WFMJ Today's 2007 WFMJ Wedding Contest. Jamie Goodlet, a 3 year veteran of the Youngstown, Ohio Fire Department, and his finance entered the contest and were chosen out of hundreds of applicants. Miss Smith is a 7th grade mathematics teacher in the Beaver Local School District. The surprised couple is now asking for people to help by voting for them at the WFMJ TV21 Web site at Voting is only open through 11:00pm DST Saturday, March 24th. They are couple #1 Carissa Smith and Jamie Goodlet. The lucky winning couple will get an all expenses paid wedding and honeymoon courtesy of WFMJ TV 21, the local Youngstown NBC affiliate. More information on the couple can be found at