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Northside Renaissance update: Renovations in progress @ 1233 Elm Street

Started by AllanY2525, October 21, 2006, 12:53:10 PM

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I think you may be right, re: the porch roof.

It was probaly either a hip roof, or perhaps it had a small, second peak cut across
the main porch roofline at 90 degrees, right over the front entrance.  This is very
typical and commonplace on old Youngstown Houses.  The cross slope on the
old porch roof (if it had one) would have been directly below a similar cross
slope in the main roof, above.

Here's a (very crude - not real good at drawing) concept of what the porch
roof probably looked like "back in the day".....  The cedar shingles on the outside
wall of the house juts above the first story show telltale signs that the original
porch roof WAS a bit W-I-D-E-R than the current porch roof.

Next spring, we are going to tear off the whole porch roof and replace it with
something more appropriate on a house of this age and arhitectural style.
The house on Woodbine had a hip roof, so we just fabricated an exact
duplicate to replace it - right down to the "double bead wainscot" stype
porch ceiling boards.


northside lurker

Congratulations!  It looks like you caught this one in the nick of time before it would have been too far gone.

Do you think the front porch roof is original?  With that style of house, I would guess it was once a hip roof.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


The crew and I have been incredibly busy the past week and a half
with the company's latest acquisition: No. 1233 Elm Street. This
is a beautiful, sturdy old home that was divided into a duplex
(one apt. upstairs and one downstairs) sometime in the 1940's-1050s
as far as we can tell).

I made a trip to the McMillan public library this week and
looked through the old Burch's city directories on micro-film
and the address for this home first appeared in the 1905 city
directory - which makes this old gal about 101 years old.
In fact, when this house was first built, there was NOTHING
on the east side of Elm Street from Madison Avenue northward -
she was the first house to be built on the section of Elm
Street that faces Wick Park.

We've begun the work of making the building a single family home
again - tearing out the second front door and walling it up,
replacing it with a window. Eliminating the second set of stairs
going down to the basement, etc. We are going to rebuild the master
staircase and return it to its original configuration, re-install the
missing pocket doors between the living room and the original dining
room, etc.

There are almost 200 photos in this gallery - with more to come as
the work at the house continues.

Check out the photos at

Just follow the links for: historic homes/No. 1233 Elm Street

