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Something To Do On A Saturday Afternoon, Watch Wedding Parties

Started by jay, June 06, 2015, 09:57:20 PM

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Peggy Gurney

~ Normal is overrated ~


So in other words your pleasure supercedes anything and everything else.I guess that if you had your say that there would be no wedding receptions ever held at Fellows Riverside Garden ever unles you were invited and had first bibs at the cookie table and the bottle of Jim Beam. For my part, I really couldn't care less if Joe Bag of Doughnuts and his new bride rented Fellow's Riverside Garden. You don't hear me cry out in agony whenever a wedding reception keeps me from visiting the Butler Institute of American Art? No. I'm overjoyed at the fact that another couple have joined in holy wedded bliss and soon there will be little rug rats scampering around in unbounded joy.
Just pause and think about it, maby one of those little rug rats will grow up and care for you in your declining years at Lullaby Nursing Home waiting for that voice from above call down to you and say "Are you free Jay? We're ready for your wings fitting."


I own property in Mahoning County so I therefore pay a portion of my property taxes to support Mill Creek Park and all of its facilities including the gardens.

Did you know that there was a very large family day event taking place at the gardens on Saturday?  A few thousand men, women and children attended.   


But that wedding party is paying cold hard cash for the privilege of using the Gardens. Do you pay an admission in order to bask in it's glory? Just think of how much money the park raises to support Fellows Riverside Gardens from those wedding parties. I dare say that the casual visitors don't think a thought about donating a few bucks to the Gardens.


If anything, it is the wedding party that is crashing everyone else's enjoyment of these public gardens. 

But I still like to watch the bride, groom and their beautifully attired friends on this special day.


Would you be actually advocating crashing total strangers wedding day just to sight see? Would you be wanting uninvited strangers poking their noses into your special day? What next, are you going to advocate getting in line to raid their cookie table, and drink their wine?


Here is something to do on a Saturday afternoon on the west side.

Go to Fellows Riverside Gardens and watch the numerous wedding parties that come to the gardens for their photo session.   You are likely to see a half dozen or more.