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Ohio Edison Payments Missing

Started by Micky, September 16, 2006, 01:44:52 PM

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Rick Rowlands

My business and my two neighbors aren't even assigned to a meter reader! We get estimated bills every month without fail.  I'm quite pissed about it since I pay $1400 a month in electric and they can't afford to send a damn reader there for 30 seconds each month.  They are cutting costs by eliminating the readers but we all need to demand that they hold up their end of the deal at bill for actual power used.


What really anger me no end is the fact that the meter reader ignores my house 90% of the time. Our meter is inside and there is someone home 100% of the time so that there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for them not to read the meter.!

Fortunately, they have been consistant in the billings which average out at $30.00 per month.

The meter readers need to have supervisors check on them on a regular basis to make sure that they are doing their job. When there are many "unread" meters on a readers route on a regular basis, then that should be s signal to the company that the employee is not doing his or her job!


They sent me an outrageous bill this month, said it was an estimated bill with the reason being DOG.
I called and told them it was impossible unless there was a stray chasing them from the meter.
She kept saying it was correct and asked me to go read my meter so we could compare.
I went outside and gave her a reading for the 2 days since my "ESTIMATED" reading.
She had no explanation for the discrepency and said it was quite a difference.
A new bill came, then a few days later an APOLOGY letter came.
It went from over $350 to 49.  Which is ALSO weird since I've never had a  bill that LOW either.
But the previous month was also "estimated" and it was $60 higher then my usual bill so maybe that was the reason.

Now with your message, I have to wonder what is going on  with the electric company?
They seem to be losing account information.


If you have Ohio Edison/First Energy electric -

Checks that were mailed by customers between August 18 through 21 are missing.

A representative from Ohio Edison told me today that they are investigating the problem.  If you contact them, you will not be charged a late fee and they will put a 30-day hold on your account and will not take any action to disconnect your service.  Seems to be a problem with either the Post Office or Ohio Edison's post office box.

Read the articles in the Akron Beacon Journal from Sept 14 and Sept 16.  So far, 1,400 utility checks are missing. 

Customers can call 800-633-4766 to use the automated system to see if your check has been posted to your account.

An identity theft expert suggested watching your bank account balance closely and to take action if you see any unusual activity.  Ohio Edison is not making a recommendation on whether customers should stop their check payments.