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"Youngstown's Bike Trail"

Started by Youngstownshrimp, June 19, 2012, 09:57:48 PM

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Rick Rowlands

Those of us who can do things without government help must scare the crap out of you left wingers.  I am an example of what people can do themselves, and if more people found out that they are also empowered to do the same you would lose your base of dependent citizens.


Ron, you are correct....we need new young movers and shakers who can work together....

I am at that age I am too set in my ways and have no desire to work with ultra-conservative libertarians like Ricky....


rr remember it is tit for tat. i speak the truth and you did not like it. so stop complaining abt being attack on a personal level esp when you do it. i never whined abt you attacking me. it is part of life, a give and take. my mom used to say to me, "if you cannot say anything nice abt someone, do not say anything". i still falter at this from time to time esp when it comes to you, rr. have a nice day.

Rick Rowlands

iwasthere.  You deserve it. Remember you actually did something more than just back and forth on a forum.  People may soon forget what you say, but never forget what you do.


This post sadly is an example or microcosym of what is wrong with Youngstown and why maybe we need to let some of us die off before a new wave of producers replace us.
Most here on this site will not even come to the forefront and say, "Yeah, let us build a bikepath and stop crying about it."  Now you watch, most here will spew any and all the reasons why they won't lift a finger.  But you know what, if it does get built, it would be because of 20%.  It would definitely be built if we were lucky enough to have more go-getters, rather than US, Today's Youngstowners?


rr, you have hurled insults at me and vise versa. i always say, "if you cannot take it, do not dish it out".


                "Come together.......right now..................over me!"

Rick and Dennis, we can do it!   You can do it!  We must do it!
The common goal is the the Bike Path, Walking trail.  D'Avignon, is laughing while we can't even get along to begin the project.  D'Avignon wants deflection.

Rick Rowlands

Ever since Dennis returned the level of civility on this forum has plummeted.  All he does is hurl personal insults.  Unabomber?   



Ricky has the same principles as the Unabomber.....

Rick Rowlands

Ron, that means giving in to the forces of darkness.  Not going to do it.  I will stand for my principles.


Man.............."can't we just all get along?"    :o :o :'( :'(


A hell of a lot more than you...

Rick Rowlands

I spit on no one! I have spent my entire life taking care of myself and not taking advantage of others.  I do my own thing and just expect everyone else to do the same.  You on the other hand come back here spewing your hate again, obviously having learned nothing in your absense.  What the hell have you ever done of any value in your pitiful life? 

If liberalism is all about insulting fellow Americans and being full of hate, THANK GOD I AM A CONSERVATIVE!!!!!!!!!


Where are our leaders????   Take me to your leader?????
Dennis, Rick, can we put away the politics and work together?
Let's Shout Out to D'Avignon, he has made the old "City" Landbank his Baby.  His office says they have their landbank and the County has the county's.  The Leadership, when begging for a County Landbank said they will unite---not happening folks.
D'Avignon, release this dormant land to the PEOPLE!  We want a bike path and hiking trail now!  Either you lead...follow....or get out of the way.  It is a new beginning now, Youngstown land has value now, and not because of YOU.
Copy: Mayor McNally