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Ron Is 1000% Right

Started by Towntalk, April 23, 2013, 05:50:44 PM

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Rick Rowlands

Is it now racism to merely observe that policies have disproportionate impact on a certain minority group? 

Ron is wrong about one thing though.  The radical environmentalists rarely think. If anything it is "groupthink", not independent reasoned thought.  Just listen to Biersdorfer talk.  She uses all the usual liberal code words and phrases.   Heaven help us if that whack job is elected to council.


When one plays the race card, it is about racism.
Why do some here have to be so uneducated, no where in this entire public conversation is anyone bringing up racism.
Again, only the uneducated here bring up racism when it isn't even an issue. I'll go even further on this issue, Billy and Stewie are uneducated about this matter and yet they feel the urge to open their mouths.


I didn't realize how much concern you had for the residents of youngstown. My bad...


I just informed the moderator to throw your comment out.  Listen bro, you want to say this to my face and not hide under your rock?  I like to see you say this in court, but you are not man enough to say your real name as I always said about you.


Read what is typed, it said we didn't think they're racist, they just didn't think it thru.  You need to get the point of a what I have been trying to convey.  Because FrackFree Youngstown have unqualified leaders, they ran with this ban on Youngstown, not thinking that it will only devalue the poor and African American property.  Understand this demographic, most of the blacks in Mahoning county live in Youngstown, you ban Youngstown, most of the black's property get devalued.
Nonetheless, the bent left are programmed not to deal in facts.


Ron is playin the race card because he thinks if he rallies the black community the issue will be defeated. Don't let him fool you. It's all about what's in it for Ron.

Billy Mumphrey

Why does the race card have to played in every political debate?



Bishop Emmitt Nevels has led his congregation on Youngstown's North Side since the mid-1970s and he is urging defeat of the proposed anti-fracking amendment to the city's charter.
"I think it will make such a devastating negative impact upon the African Americans in our community," Nevels said.
Issue 1 would restore local control over oil and gas drilling, which is now handled by the state. But opponents say the proposed charter amendment would do much more than that.
Nevels, who is pastor of Nevels Temple Church of God in Christ, lives in neighboring Girard and already has signed his own mineral rights lease. But he claims supporters of the amendment are trying to scare residents into giving up control of their own properties.
"It's not something that they could take away and I think that's what most of us are afraid of," Nevels said.
But supporters, like City Council President candidate and Frack Free Mahoning Valley member Susie Beiersdorfer, argue it's the oil and gas companies that are trying to exploit the less fortunate by tempting them with big lease and royalty payments.
"Big corporations tend to want to locate polluting industries in areas where there's poor people. It's known as a sacrifice zone," she said.
But amendment opponent Ron Eiselstein said the decision whether to lease land for drilling should be left to the individual homeowner.
"We want to make that decision, not anybody else," Eiselstein said.
Eiselstein runs Ohio Land Management, which he claims is the largest operator and manager of privately held property in Mahoning County. He said the amendment will effectively "redline" the city, making it impossible for city landowners, many of whom are minorities, to take advantage of something their suburban neighbors will still have.
"They're not trying to ban Poland. They're not trying to ban Canfield. They"re not trying to even ban Coitsville, but right across 616, that landowner will look across the street and see a landowner, his neighbor, putting a new roof on or paying his taxes while he gets nothing," Eiselstein said. "I don't think these people are racist. I think inadvertently they didn't think this thing out and who does it hurt? You gotta look at the bottom line, the homeowners, the taxpayers."
Beiersdorfer said there needs to be a balance between the economic and environmental issues surrounding fracking.
But Eiselstein, who said he's helped a number of local landowners connect with oil and gas drilling companies, said the impact of the amendment is already being felt, claiming some drilling firms are now shying away from making deals inside city limits for fear of what the amendment will mean if it's approved.