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March Against Crime

Started by jay, September 01, 2006, 10:54:19 AM

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How many people attended the march?  I didn't see any coverage on the TV at 6:00 p.m.


International Towers, 25 Market Street, is the apartment building on the northeast corner of Market Street and E. Boardman Street in downtown Youngstown.  The building is across the street from the Sky Bank building (formerly Mahoning Bank).

I will ask others to join you at the march on Wednesday, September 6, at noon. 


Hi everyone. It will be Wednesday at noon. All will be meeting in front of International Towers.

After this the time of day, and possibly the week day will be changed. At first though we wanted to do it at a time when those who we wanted to address were at their office(s).

We are also requesting that the community fill council on September 20th, at 5:30, the first meeting of their new session.

Please help get the importance of this issue across. A large crowd of silent individuals can send a powerful message.


I hope to learn the exact date and time later today.



Another march against crime is being planned for an afternoon next week.

Are any forum members willing to join the march?