Community Development Agency
Public Hearing
Tuesday, February 2, 6:00 p.m.
- Location -
Gathering Room
Park Vista
12l6 Fifth Avenue
Youngstown, Ohio
The purpose of the public meetings will be to receive public comment regarding the City of Youngstown's Five Year Consolidated Plan 20l0-20l4 and One Year Action Plan (July l, 20l0 to June 30, 20ll). The Plan to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) includes estimated funding of $5 million annually of community development monies.
All interested citizens are encouraged to attend the meeting. Citizens will be provided the opportunity to offer input on how the City should allocate, within the Consolidated Plan, resources it receives from HUD. Audience dialogue is strongly encouraged, however these particular meetings are not designed to resolve general complaints. The meetings will remain focused on allocating resources within the plan.
For further information, contact the City of Youngstown's Community Development Agency at (330) 744-0854.