Mahoning Valley Forum

Youngstown & The Mahoning Valley => Mahoning Valley, in General => Topic started by: Rick Rowlands on April 11, 2008, 08:03:33 AM

Title: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: Rick Rowlands on April 11, 2008, 08:03:33 AM
At the machine shop I work at a truck driver comes in often who recently emigrated from the Ukraine.  In talking to him one day, he was asked to compare his home with the US.  He said that we may like to think we have freedom here, but compared to his homeland we have very little freedoms.  In the Ukraine the government is corrupt and if you criticize them too much you may just disappear, but otherwise they have many more liberties than we do, and the government doesn't really screw with the people like our government likes to do.

So I suppose that when we as Americans say that we have freedom, I suppose that means we have "political freedom", the ability to openly criticize our government.  But we have no freedom when it comes to anything else.  Can you name anything that you are allowed to do without the government sticking their noses in your business?   Can you think of anything that requires the use of money that doesn't require the government taking their cut?  When will it all end?  Will it ever end?  We have a frequent poster on this forum who aspires to be placed in a position where he can implement his ideas for limiting freedoms and confiscating private property.

Just something to think about. 
Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: Rick Rowlands on April 11, 2008, 08:07:27 AM
Geez, in rereading my post I just noticed something.  It is not up to the government to "allow" us to do anything.  We were given rights by our creator, not by government and to state that the government "allows" us to do certain things is pure wrong.  Sorry about that misstatement.  See how easy it is to become brainwashed into thinking that government is the root of power.
Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: irishbobcat on April 11, 2008, 08:35:57 AM

Government is not the problem today. The problem today is conservative forces like yourself who again want to return us to a feudal world in which only a very few have power, and the masses are terrified to lose their jobs for lack of other prospects. By exposing
the conservative frauds and presenting the realistic and practical responsibilities of a democratic republic uncontaminated by corporate special interests we can bring about a healthier, happier, and more peaceful America and the world.

Dennis Spisak-Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th District

Campaign site:

Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: Rick Rowlands on April 11, 2008, 09:31:15 AM

I've noticed that many of your posts occur during school hours.  Your bio says that you are the principal at Brookfield Middle School.  Should you be using your time "on the clock" at Brookfield Schools for promoting your political agenda?  If I was a resident of Brookfield I would be quite upset that you are using taxpayer money to support your personal agenda.  Is this not the form of government waste that you told me in a private email that you are against? 

Please in the future restrain from making posts until after school hours.   Use every minute of your time at Brookfield in the service to the students. After all, that school district is hurting financially and does not have money to waste.

Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: irishbobcat on April 11, 2008, 09:41:13 AM

For your information, I am currently on sick leave that past 3 days due to the fact that my wife had a volleyball size tumor removed from her yesterday at Northside Hospital. I am also on sick leave because I need to get my 2 young sons with autism ready for school each morning and be here to get them off the bus.

I do not post from school, I do not post from my office. And I do use my time while in the office to better the education for the children of Brookfield and help their parents with their children's education.


Dennis Spisak

Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: northside lurker on April 11, 2008, 10:05:43 AM
I noticed that people generally had many more liberties when I studied in Europe, too.

However, we voted our government into a "nanny."  The state of Ohio didn't just decide that smoking in a public place is illegal.  The issue was presented to the voters, the majority of whom said they wanted no smoking in public places. (for example)
Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: northside lurker on April 11, 2008, 10:06:40 AM
Dennis, I hope your wife is doing well.
Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: Rick Rowlands on April 11, 2008, 10:34:57 AM

Although we disagree greatly on philosophy, I want to offer my best wishes to you and your family. 
Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: Rick Rowlands on April 11, 2008, 10:38:19 AM
Westsider, yes it is a double standard.  We as a nation like to boast to the world that we are the most free people on Earth, but then turn around and demand that more of those freedoms be taken away, since we as a populace cannot be trusted to properly use those freedoms.

Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: Oldmill on April 11, 2008, 03:16:57 PM
It really figures a quasi politician would say what you do ! Government is the problem and there is way to much of it. Most of the problem is power hungry humans , the fewer the better in that respect. One thing I do agree with you on is corporate special intrests , that needs to go amongst other aspects.

Quote from: irishbobcat on April 11, 2008, 08:35:57 AM

Government is not the problem today. The problem today is conservative forces like yourself who again want to return us to a feudal world in which only a very few have power, and the masses are terrified to lose their jobs for lack of other prospects. By exposing
the conservative frauds and presenting the realistic and practical responsibilities of a democratic republic uncontaminated by corporate special interests we can bring about a healthier, happier, and more peaceful America and the world.

Dennis Spisak-Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th District

Campaign site:

Title: Re: American "Freedom" is a Myth
Post by: irishbobcat on April 11, 2008, 05:36:37 PM
To Westsider and Rick:

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for my wife. She is recovering, in some pain, but we hope to have her back home this weekend.

To Oldmill, and to Rick, upon further reflection, you are correct in the sense Government is the problem because we let special interest groups, lobbyists, and PACS with their donations grab the ears of our politicians instead of John Q. Public. And we do have waste in government, and as a school board member I have worked over the last three years trying to eliminate wasteful spending.

But I am still proud to say I'm a progressive liberal, a member of the Green Party that believes in the principles of social justice and economic justice, commitment to equality and the dignity of all people, compassion for those in need, and a belief change is possible.

And I will run on those beliefs, and the voters will decide if they share my vision for the 60th district or not.


Dennis Spisak