Mahoning Valley Forum

Youngstown & The Mahoning Valley => South Side Youngstown => Topic started by: Towntalk on November 20, 2015, 08:47:50 AM

Title: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Towntalk on November 20, 2015, 08:47:50 AM
Report of the 7th Ward Town Hall Meeting as reported by The Vindicator. (
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: cc4 on November 20, 2015, 10:43:20 AM
Nice picture, I was there!  Hope you asked some good questions.   ;D
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: AllanY2525 on November 21, 2015, 01:36:42 AM

I think it's great that Turning Technologies had the opportunity to showcase their
audience feedback system.   

It's a great product.
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: jay on November 21, 2015, 06:29:10 AM
I'm surprised our south side residents didn't catch the big mistake in the newspaper's story about the 7th ward meeting.

What was the mistake?
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Towntalk on November 21, 2015, 09:19:02 AM
Instead of beating arounde the bush, why don't you just tell us what the big Vindicator mistake was and be done with it, ALL OF US IN THE 7th WARD were perfecdtly satisfied with it and really could care less about what OUTSIDERS think one way or the other. The fact that we had a very fine meeting that made the front page of the paper suits us just fine, and we know that you refuse to ever use the paper's name, is sufficient. It shows for one thing that the 7th Ward isn't just sitting on it's hands while the folks in the 4th and 5th try to make it seem as if they are the end all and be all of Youngstown, and unless it happens on those wards, it isn't worth even mentioning. (
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: iwasthere on November 21, 2015, 05:10:51 PM
Could it be the caption under the picture?
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: jay on November 21, 2015, 06:52:19 PM
QuoteCould it be the caption under the picture?

Yes, it is the caption.

Our 7th ward promoter hasn't found the mistake.
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Towntalk on November 21, 2015, 07:31:19 PM
1. I do not buy The Vindicator so I did not see the caption.
2. The Front Page image is no longer available at Nuseum Front Page for that issue so I couldn't go back to review it.
4. The NEW 5th Ward Council Lady was not only there but thought that the newspaper coverage was just fine.
6. Notice that his only comment about the event is to bash The Vindicator, and NOTHING POSITIVE about the event itself.
7. The 7WCC busted it's tail putting this event together and for their hard work they got great press - FRONT PAGE ABOVE THE FOLD no less.
8. We think that a certain West Sider is JEALOUS about this event and refuses to comment on the meat and potatoes of the article itself, the officials that were part of the panel, or th fact that Turning Technologies was there with it's equipment.
9. Finally, the whole BS about a Vindicator mistake that had absolutely nothing to do with the event itself is pure pettiness in the extreme.
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Towntalk on November 21, 2015, 10:33:13 PM
What a Lulu, so the caption writter got Chris's name wrong. Are you so absolutely perfect that you don't make mistakes? I sure ain't nor do I profess to be perfect.
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: jay on November 22, 2015, 01:19:07 PM
Excluding the city hall employees, how many attended this event?
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Towntalk on November 22, 2015, 02:14:25 PM
All right Jay, just come right out and say it ... the only good people are those in the West Side and the rest of us are worthless lay abouts that are not worthy of being considered fit citizens. You are so negative about non West Siders that it's no wonder why so many people that use to be active here want nothing more to do with At least 10 members from the 7th ward have stopped posting here, and a number from the 3rd Ward have also stopped posting. Perhaps this site name should just be changed to reflect that it is a West Side site, remove all the catagories for the other sides of town, and other communities, and allow posts only after they have gone through a screening process to insure that undesirables could not post.

If this gets me kicked off this site, so be it.
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Rushblvd on November 23, 2015, 06:15:57 AM
I missed the event and unfortunately heard the attendance was very low (though he got his picture on the inside) :)  Not sure how they can get the attendance up on a town hall meeting.. It seems that if its not an election, no one will come out-Heck look at the Covelli Ctr for the Sanitation hike..  Another thought is open up the questions to people who are unable to attend. Many of our elderly do not drive and will not come out at night. If weeks prior to the event if there was someway to contact them -(maybe phone call-city-watch)and see if they have questions for the officials-then they get there questions asked and then someone from the group takes back the answer to the individual.
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: Towntalk on November 23, 2015, 07:43:25 AM
You're absolutely right Rushblvd about those Seniors who do not drive yet want to be active. If Chris could arrange to pair up a member with one or two of us Seniors who do nolt drive but want to attend that would be helpful/
Title: Re: 7th Ward High Tech Town Hall
Post by: iwasthere on November 24, 2015, 11:06:23 AM
rushgal your suggestion is a good one but I leave these 7th wcc more uninformed then when I went to that evening due to the over the top censorship on questions submitted. I know one informed ytown resident refuses to attend the 7wcc town hall meetings due to the over the top censorship on submitted questions and no questions from the audiences without approval from the moderator. >:(