Mahoning Valley Forum

Youngstown & The Mahoning Valley => Downtown Youngstown [Subforums] => Topic started by: jay on October 17, 2014, 09:32:09 PM

Title: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: jay on October 17, 2014, 09:32:09 PM
Look for Wick Neighbors to become a formal committee of CityScape.
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Peggy Gurney on October 19, 2014, 08:33:36 AM
Where did you hear/read this at?
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 23, 2014, 04:00:57 PM
IT'S OFFICIAL ... Wick Neighbors will be a part of CityScape. (
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 23, 2014, 05:48:20 PM (
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Peggy Gurney on October 23, 2014, 05:57:58 PM
Oh ok, Wick Neighbors.  Not Wick Park Neighborhood association.  I misread your post.

Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Peggy Gurney on October 23, 2014, 06:02:03 PM
Quote from: Towntalk on October 23, 2014, 05:48:20 PM (
YESS!  Looks like this merger is going to bring about the clean up of the blight that is known as Wick Avenue north of YSU.
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: jay on October 23, 2014, 09:41:57 PM
CityScape now has a new logo.

Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 23, 2014, 10:26:12 PM
Photo showing logo.
Did this group ask for public input concernng logos?
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: AllanY2525 on October 24, 2014, 01:32:13 AM
Quote from: Peggy Gurney on October 23, 2014, 06:02:03 PM
YESS!  Looks like this merger is going to bring about the clean up of the blight that is known as Wick Avenue north of YSU.

The city needs a couple bulldozers and some back hoes to clean up the blight on Wick Ave, more than
anything else....tear down the old car dealership buildings, bury the empty parking lots, and remove the
streets between them that go down the hill to (Randall Ave?) behind them.

Make upper Wick Ave look residential again....there aren't going to be any businesses looking to buy
these properties and re-use the buildings in the near future and the city cannot maintain them.  I see no
need in present day Youngstown to extend the business district any further north than Madison Ave and
McGuffey road intersection.
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 24, 2014, 07:30:47 AM
I fully and totally agree with Sir Allan ... I've seen interior photos of some of these buildings and they are beyond saving and should be demolished, and I stand by that opinion 1000% regardless of what anyone else may say to the contrary. None of them have any historic value, and no private sector business would even consider investing in any of them, so I say tear them down like now and be done with it.
And for those who were forever whining about tearing down other buildings that were beyond saving ... State Theater, Paramount Theater and the Kress Building, name one of the buildings in question that has any historic value ... name one.
And this link is a reminder as to why these buildings deserve to be demolished ASAP. (
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Peggy Gurney on October 24, 2014, 08:12:19 AM
Mayor McNally address that Wick Avenue corridor with the Wick Park Neighborhood association a couple of months ago, and admitted that there just is not enough city money to take all of those buildings down. It was suggested that they take down one at a time. I don't remember his answer to that.

Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 24, 2014, 08:22:40 AM
Given the number of buildings that would have to be demolished I can understand that absent any help from our Congressman and State Rep, that total demolition is not possable but I do agree that if the City would just do one or two, that it would be a start, and hopefully if the 5 ward plan passes, there would be more dollars in the kitty, and then there is the dough coming into the city from the racino.
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Peggy Gurney on October 24, 2014, 12:45:24 PM
Yes, my thoughts exactly.

Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: AllanY2525 on October 24, 2014, 05:54:30 PM
Some of those buildings could be torn down by Youngstown's own street department. 
They have done this in the past with other structures (ie: houses) and these buildings
are by no means sky scrapers...I don't think any of them is more than two or three
stories tall, and mostly made of cinder block and brick.

A large back hoe could take any one of these down slowly and gently, with a large claw

The only really expensive part of the demolition would be the abatement of any asbestos
prior to tearing them down.

As for burying the parking lots, the city could look for construction projects around the
area where large amounts of earth are being excavated for foundations, etc and solicit
the construction companies to bring the excavated fill dirt to cover over the parking lots.
Run a couple graders over the dirt to shape it, etc - then throw in some grass seed and
a few baby trees - problem solved, parking lots - GONE.
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 24, 2014, 07:00:40 PM
Quote from: Peggy Gurney on October 24, 2014, 12:45:24 PM
Yes, my thoughts exactly.

Looks like this old broad (me) hasn't lost it yet.  :laugh: 
Title: Re: CityScape To Join With Wick Neighbors
Post by: Towntalk on October 24, 2014, 09:50:28 PM
Peggy, when we go to 5 wards, it looks like Nate would be challenged by Anne's old man.