Mahoning Valley Forum

Youngstown & The Mahoning Valley => Youngstown in General => Topic started by: Towntalk on January 19, 2013, 01:09:27 AM

Title: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Towntalk on January 19, 2013, 01:09:27 AM
Out of the mouth of a child (

Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Why?Town on January 19, 2013, 10:25:08 AM
Potential message sent: GAMBLING IS GOOD!

Actually winning supports the message.

There are other avenues for children to help the poor.
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Towntalk on January 19, 2013, 10:30:56 AM
Then I take it that you are against every form of gambling regardless of the cause.

But you missed the whole point of the article. The child could have used the money for her own benefit, but she chose to help others. When she won the football, she gave it to her brother for Christmas.

Unselfishness clear and simple. Obviously she has great parients who have taught her well.
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Why?Town on January 19, 2013, 01:23:38 PM
I did not miss the point of the article.

I applaud her for her generosity.

I just think there are much better ways for her to donate to the poor.

I am not against gambling.

This 7 yr old adult got a taste of winning. Hopefully she keeps it in perspective.
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: iwasthere on January 19, 2013, 11:10:38 PM
i attend many charitable events throughout the year and i bet on items, buy raffle tickets, chinese raffle tickets. my wins enables me to participate in more charitable events by buying tickets or reraffling the baskets.
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Towntalk on January 19, 2013, 11:26:46 PM
You my friend are a saint with a heart and soul as big and as deep as the Grand Canyon.
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: kenneyjoe330 on January 20, 2013, 01:40:19 AM
I am soooo glad this subject came up.   I feel VERY discusted by the whole thing ! ! !  I think both adults should be arrested ! ! !  There are LAWS that children are not permitted to gamble.  If that were a BINGO and she sold $50.00 worth of BINGO cards to the child would that be good???   She DID NOT GIVE her money to the poor - she BOUGHT A CHANCE TO WIN SOMETHING - THAT IS GAMBLING - plain AND simple.  I also do not consider 'taking A CHANCE WITH ALL YOUR MONEY' as generosity - there should have been some adult supervision there - and she kept coming back - WOW what a sales person some people can be?  She is only SEVEN.  The particular person doing 'the honoring' had not had her name in the paper in awhile and I think this was just an opportunity to 'show' she does so much for the community of Warren?  I am very sadden by the whole thing and sadder still for those who think it is a wonderful idea for children to gamble :'( .   
I am not entirely against gambling.  I buy lottery tickets all the time - especially when I feel Lucky.  When I buy the ticket do I think about "WOW" I want to support the State of Ohio by buying this ticket - I really want to help them out.  Do you think I spend ALL my Christmas money on Lottery tickets to help out the state? 
I also find that Boxing - being a violant sport - was used as a means to raise money for domestic violence centers.  Do you think I am getting old and confused?
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: iwasthere on January 20, 2013, 07:17:54 AM
Quote from: Towntalk on January 19, 2013, 11:26:46 PM
You my friend are a saint with a heart and soul as big and as deep as the Grand Canyon.
tt thank you. kj the dollar bills that the little girl gave for a chance went to help underpriveldged children. i woujld had problem with this story. if the little girl was buying bingo cards or lottery tickets to win money on a chance then donatng the proceeds to her causes.
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Why?Town on January 20, 2013, 10:17:57 AM
A football raffle is small potatoes.

Every single person with huge a gambling problem started out small.

If this was her first time gambling she has won 100% of the time. What a great feeling to win every time!

If this was her second time gambling she has won 50% of the time. What a great feeling to win every other time!

Is this 7yr old adult capable of realizing that statistically she will be losing the next 19 to 39 times?

Is she able to understand that all the hoopla is about her generosity and keep it completely separated from the gambling, or is that more positive reinforcement for gambling?

KJ brought up some very good points. Particularly the one concerning arrests.

Would it have been OK for her to spend her 50$ to enter a shooting competition to benefit the poor?
Title: Re: Our Future Leaders
Post by: Towntalk on January 20, 2013, 11:23:08 AM
So lets jail her parents and the person who sold her the tickets, and put the girl in therapy.

Lets also order the organization sponsoring the event to return the $50.00.

While we're at it, outlaw church sponsored and school sponsored gambling. Considering it's wealth, the Catholic church certainly isn't poor by anyone's standard so why are they saying that so long as it's the church that's running the gambling operation it's good, but casino gambling is a mortal sin? Gimmy a break it's the church fleecing the poor and the elderly and nothing more nor less than a racket just as wrong as playing the numbers.

Come to think of it, when the mob was active here, all they had to do was bring some of their loot to the parish priest and was pardoned of their sins.