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Do You Have An Extra $125?

Started by jay, January 23, 2012, 01:28:36 PM

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In my book, politicians are nothing more nor less than common street walkers who would sell their grandmother's gold fillings. They're as phoney as a $3.00 bill from the tip of their heads to the soles of their feet. A better name for them is "Snake In The Grass".


This is how the moneyed buy power and influence.  You and I are left out of the picture.  In national politics, millions are spent to buy influence candidates.

Support public funding of elections


NEVER $125.00 ... Not $1.25 ... NOT A SINGLE PENNY! ... NAY, NOT EVEN THE TIME OF DAY! What money I have for donations goes to worthy causes such as my church, the Salvation Army, and such like.


Do you have an extra $125?

That's the donation requested to attend the Thursday, January 26 fundraiser for the democratic candidate for Mahoning County Prosecutor.