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Starter Book for Block Watches

Started by jay, February 11, 2003, 06:36:12 PM

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Was called last night.  Thanks so much for passing the message along!



I have not heard from her yet. Could you resend??


Rick Kaleda

Could someone send me contact info for the woman who is running these meetings.  I have been attending and after the meetings things have been so busy and I havehad to leave before I have a chance to talk to her.  I have a couple questions.  Name and e-mail address or phone number would be great.  No need to post them publicaly.  Just e-mail them to me @

RKaleda @


john r. swierz

     If anyone wants to start a blockwatch on the westside they can call me or e-mail me and I will assist them.  I assisted in starting 8 bws in the 7th ward.
                                    John R. Swierz


Does the block watch book address the use of technology to aid the citizens in the block watch area?

I worry about monitoring a neighborhood at night when most homeowners are sleeping.  During the night is when most crimes have occurred in my area.


I received the book and have not read much of it yet.  Also there were several handouts that would be good, the problem is, they have to be available and handy at the time an emergency occurs.  They are basic work sheets for key items to try to remember to give a good description to the police, ect.

I think the concept is good.  Even without the sheets they sort of help teach terms and things to look for.

One of the things that really bugged me in the meeting, and I asked the question, was what exactly we should do in the process of the crime.  Say in the case of the immediate break in.  The crime is in progress, you have dialed 911.  Your household is now +1 or more strangers intending who knows what.  The authorities are IN THE PROCESS of sending help.  There will be a delay! Be it 2 minutes or an hour.  The latter being much closer to reality than the former both from my personal experience and others accounts.  I think it really needs to be publicly addressed what the authorities expect and suggest we do. I brought this up, and it is a reality.  This has/and will continue to occur.  But noone really seems to want to address it.  If handled properly, and addressed I think this could ALSO be an incredible deterrent.

I can appreciate 100% the value of the blockwatch.  I really hope to get one going in my area. Although from what I have observed, I was the only resident of my street in attendance.  I think it will be an excellent tool in preventing a lot of crime.  And the reality is, and it as a sad thing to think, but it is GOOD block watching in other areas of the city that is moving the crime into our area!  It has often been said the key to avoiding crime is making your place less appealing to the criminal, and if the rest of the city is swarming with prevention tactics, the west side will obviously be more appealing.

Were you at the meeting?


Did anyone receive a block watch starter book at the West Side Citizens' League meeting?  

Is the information worthwhile when attempting to start a block watch?