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Who needs a collective bargaining law?

Started by Dan Moadus, February 17, 2011, 12:06:07 AM

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Dan Moadus


Dan, do you support Kasich's plan to strip middle class ohioans from collective bargaining

agreements? a simple yes or no will do.....

Do you support turning Ohio's collective bargaining act back to 1959?

Will you support turning back civil right acts back as well in the future?

Dan Moadus

Dennis, here's what your patron saint had to say about public employee collective bargaining:
Franklin D. Roosevelt expressed caution about public sector unions. In a little-known letter he wrote to the president of the National Federation of Federal Employees in 1937, Roosevelt reasoned:
"... Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations ... The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for ... officials ... to bind the employer ... The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives ...
"Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people ... This obligation is paramount ... A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent ... to prevent or obstruct ... Government ... Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government ... is unthinkable and intolerable."


Dan proves it daily with any and all of his neo-conservative posts....


Okay Dennis, prove to us with facts that Dan was convicted of being a "greedy neo-con", who is destroying America?


Still doesn't justify attacking workers and the middle class by turning back the clock
on collective bargaining.....which is what you support doing, Dan.......

and Shrimp, that's not a personal attack, it's called a fact.....


Dennis, read your own words, you are suppose to be educated, below is what you call a personal attack.

Unions are not destroying America today, Dan. You greedy neo-cons who back big business and corporate greed are.

Dan Moadus

You know something Dennis, you position yourself as someone who is for the "people". And you cast it as a struggle of the "people" against corporations as if they were all owned by robber barons. But, if the truth be told, the vast majority of them are owned by the "people".  How many corporations are owned by just one person, or just one family? Are not most of them publicly owned.

It's almost comical when you come to think of it. The communists' main goal was having the means of production owned by the people, and it looks like they have stumbled upon it without realizing it.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had
happened." – Winston Churchill


Bottom line, neo-cons support greedy, rich America and corporations and could care less

about the poor and middle class.....

Destroy unions, destroy a middle class way of life.......

Sorry if you feel these statements are personal attacks......


Dennis, for once in your life, can you respond and refrain from personally attacking anyone who disagrees with you?  Try it, you may feel better and get out of the funk you permeate here.


Of course, want people to continue to work for less than somebody management and corporate can make more money for themselves.....

What happen to Progressive America? Why turn America back to the 19th century, a gilded age when the poor and middle class

had no rights but to quit jobs and go hungry or work for far less and still go hungry?

Unions are not destroying America today, Dan. You greedy neo-cons who back big business and corporate greed are.

Dan Moadus

Dennis, I put forward the idea that no one can really take away someone's collective bargaining rights, and asked anyone who differed, to tell me otherwise. Apparently you differ, but as usual you fail to engage in debate.

As I said, there is no law preventing workers from "collectively" saying they will not work for the wages offered. What you, and most others really want, is the right to make wage demands of the taxpayer without the possibility of being replaced by people willing to do your job for less. Those days are nearly over. At least they better be if we're to survive.


The American middle class does......Dan,

otherwise, It's a throwback to 19th-century America.

Where only the rich get rich, and the rich have a say.....

Nice to see Dan Moadus believes in an America where the only two classes of people

we should have are the super rich and the poor.....

Dan Moadus

It's surprising that most of the people demonstrating in Wisconsin and Ohio don't understand that no one can do away with their collective bargaining rights. I guess when people are only concerned about themselves and don't truly understand "freedom", it's to be expected.  Even if the legislatures does away with the collective bargaining laws you can still bargain collectively.  What they really want is to preserve their rights to "demand" collectively.

How do I know this? I once worked at a small repair shop with three other people. Of course we weren't unionized. I was the manager. The boss came to me and offered me a couple of thousand dollars more a year if I could boost production. I talked with my workers and decided that rather than take the boss up on his offer, we "collectively" would tell him that we wanted a dollar an hour raise instead. Now, we didn't need any law to allow us to do this. Why would we? We could make any demand we wanted to. Our bargaining chip was that if he didn't agree to our demands we would quit. We gave him two weeks to decide. When two weeks were up he told us that he wouldn't give us the raise. We quit.

So tell me. If the state does away with the collective bargaining law, what would prevent the workers from doing what we did?