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Mayor Sammarone' s Administration

Started by jay, May 20, 2012, 10:53:58 AM

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the other day at the finance meeting the mayor said he is going to have all city employees push in and out  on a time clock. will this edict include him and kitchen. if sam wanted to be taken seriously about his job, he could have replace all of useless jay williams appts. all the employees that were mentioned in the vindy article were williams appts. mmmm says something about williams management decisions.


  my major concern with this adminstration when sam appt kitchen to be his chief of staff when kitchen was caught using mycap services for his daugters that did not qualified for the headstart program. he and tito brown looked the other way while being on the mycap board with the director, mr. roller doing illegal activities with mycap funds. are these the types of people the ytown residents want to run the city daily operations? i do not.


According to the Sunday newspaper, Mayor Sammarone recently issued many letters of reprimand to city employees.  Many of these individuals are Department heads.

Why didn't he just appoint his own people when he took office?